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 Square Enix has announced that the Final Fantasy VII and VIII Twin Pack is available in a physical bundle for the Nintendo Switch In a press release sent by Square Enix, they have confirmed that the bundle is available for purchase physically in Europe It will be sold for €3999 Here are the details on this Twin Pack as shared by Square Enix If you're a fan of the classic beauties of pacing and character arcs (with just a few happenings of bizarre dialogue that will make you physically recoil) then you're in luck Final Fantasy 7 & Final Fantasy 8 are both arriving onto the Nintendo Switch in the remastered form not the stretched and piecemeal event that was Final Fantasy 7 Remake, but the original with With announcements like this, it is only a matter of time before North American audiences will be able to get the physical Final Fantasy VII & VIII Twin Pack on the Switch or the standalone FFVIII

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